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The Black Mambas

The Black Mambas

Women against poaching!

Rhino poaching has escalated dramatically in recent years and is being driven by the demand for rhino horn in Asian countries, particularly Vietnam and China, due to its use as a status symbol to display someone’s success and wealth and in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although there is no scientific proof of its medicinal value, rhino horn is highly prized in traditional Asian medicine, It is ground into a fine powder or manufactured into tablets as a treatment for a variety of illnesses such as nosebleeds, strokes, convulsions, and fevers.

The Black Mamba anti-poaching unit is much more than just an anti-poaching unit. Whilst their main objective is the security of the reserve and the protection of wildlife, they also strive to create a strong bond and educate the communities that live on the boundaries of Balule and the Greater Kruger Park to install a proud, sympathetic and patriotic community with pro-environmental ethos.

We proudly sponsor Nocry Mzimba

Why did you join the Black Mambas?

Because I wanted to help save all wildlife, including the rhino. They need more help because of all the poaching problems.

What do you Enjoy most about the job?

I enjoy looking for tracks to see if people have come in to our reserve. I also like to remove snares because animals can easily get caught in them and killed for meat.

How are you making a difference in the fight against poaching?

By patrolling the fence everyday to check whether the poachers have come into our reserve or not. I also like talking to our local communities about what will happen when we find the poachers! This makes people afraid to come and kill our rhino.

What do your family and friends think about the Black Mambas?

They are proud of us because they think we are doing a great job to protect the wild animals.

What are your hopes for the future?

My hope is to find poachers and arrest them so that our rhino will be safe and our future generation will be able to see the rhino and all other wildlife.

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